2nd R Implementation, Optimization and Tooling Workshop

RIOT 2016 (collocated with useR! 2016)

July 3rd 2016, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California


The workshop will take place in the HEPL building, room Physics & Astro Kistler 102 103 (see map for exact location on campus).


08.45 - 09.00 - Introductions

09.00 - 10.30 - Session 1 - Analysis
Automated Analysis and Semi-Automated Rewriting of the R Builtin Functions
Tomas Kalibera (Northeastern University)

Resource-Aware Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Machine Learning R Programs though RAMBO
Helena Kotthaus, Jakob Richter, Andreas Lang, Michel Lang, Jörg Rahnenführer, Peter Marwedel (TU Dortmund)

11.00 - 12.30 - Session 2 - Performance
Scalable Data Science with Hadoop, Spark and R
Mario Inchiosa (Microsoft)

FastR - optimizing and enhancing R language implementation
Lukas Stadler (Oracle Labs)

12.30 - 13.30 - Lunch (catered)

13.30 - 15.45 - Session 3 - Implementation
The rho project
Karl Millar (Google)

Renjin’s JIT Loop Compiler
Alexander Bertram (BeDataDriven)

To data.table and beyond: Further adventures supporting the "Rapi" C-language API in an R-compatible engine
Michael Sannella (TIBCO)

15.45 -16.15 - Break

16.15 - …     - Open discussion topics


R is a programming language for statistical computing, with thousands of packages available in open-source repositories and over 2 million users in both academia and industry. Its current reference implementation, though very successful and heavily optimized over a number of years, is not without some limitations, which motivated creation of alternative implementations of the R language (e.g. FastR, Renjin, TERR, CXXR).

RIOT 2016 is a one-day workshop dedicated to exploring future directions for development of R language implementations and tools. The goals of the workshop include, but are not limited to, sharing experiences of developing different R language implementations and tools and evaluate their status, exploring possibilities for increasing involvement of the R users community in the efforts of constructing different R implementations, identifying R language development and tooling opportunities enabled by the emerging implementations, and discussing future directions for the R language. The workshop will consist of a number of short talks and discussions and will bring together developers of R language implementations and tools.

Each discussion topic will be split between equally long presentation and Q&A parts.

One page abstracts describing discussion topics should be submitted by email to Adam Welc by May 27th, 2016 (11.59pm AoE)


Jan Vitek, Northeastern University
Adam Welc, Oracle Labs

Program Committee:

JJ Alaire, RStudio
Alex Bertram, Bedatadriven
Lee Edlefsen, Microsoft
Mick Jordan, Oracle Labs
Tomas Kalibera, Northeastern University
Helena Kotthaus, TU Dortmund
Petr Maj, Reactor Labs
Karl Millar, Google
Sue Ranney, Microsoft
Indrajit Roy, HP Labs
Michael Sannella, TIBCO
Lukas Stadler, Oracle Labs
Duncan Temple Lang, UC Davis
Luke Tierney, University of Iowa
Hadley Wickham, RStudio
Mario Wolczko, Oracle Labs

RIOT 2106 is organized in collaboration with and sponsored by

R consortium